Thursday, July 7, 2011

All safe and sound Day 1

Good afternoon to you all!
Just a quick blog message to let everyone back in Argentina and around the world that we arrived safe and sound after a long 10 hour flight and a connecting flight in Washington DC. United were totally on time and we made our connection with about 20 minutes to spare.
All students and staff were then taken to wonderful Faneuil hall market place.
Here we ate lunch and are now safely checked into our Hotel in Boston and we have only one hour turn around before dinner in a nice local Italian Diner.Busy day tomorrow also - all students very tired indeed -staff also. Here are just a couple of pictures - the view as we flew over New York and my lunch - New England's best Clam Chowder served in a bread bowl!! Will post again later.....Mr R and the students and staff


  1. ...hope you all get a good night´s sleep. Nighty night!

  2. All the best for a successful concert today
